

A bursary is a means-tested award and therefore awarded on the basis of financial need rather than academic merit. Bursary assistance may be available upon entry to the School, or to existing pupils where a significant deterioration in financial circumstances occurs. Parents with a child at the School whose financial circumstances suddenly change may apply for assistance. Like all bursary awards, these are subject to the availability of funding and cannot be guaranteed. 

Every application is considered on its own merits and is subject to the School’s ability to fund the award. Therefore, in determining the appropriate level of assistance, in addition to family income, other factors will be considered, including: 

  • Family circumstances: The School may take family circumstances into account including the need to care for dependants. The School may also consider whether there is potential for the family to improve its financial position. 
  • Opportunities to release any capital: significant capital savings and investments would be expected to be used for the payment of school fees, as would realisable equity in property owned.
  • In cases of separation: the contribution made by the absent parent. 
  • Contribution to household costs or school fees: by others inside or outside the immediate family. 
  • Where fees are being paid to other schools (or universities): any bursary awarded will take into account these outgoings. Bursary awards are subject to a review of parental means each year and may be varied as a result. 

The Finance Officer and Head assess all applications and may request a meeting with the parents to ensure that the information declared has been correctly interpreted and that the assessment has been carried out in a fair and consistent manner. All decisions to award or withdraw a bursary are final. 

The School may reduce or withdraw an award in circumstances set out in the conditions of award. These may be, for example, where a pupil's progress, attitude or behaviour has been unsatisfactory but also where the parents have failed to support the School, for example by the late payment of any contribution they are making to the fees.