EYFS Curriculum and School Day

Every day at TGS delivers a curriculum created to enthuse and delight your child; to build their knowledge of the world around them; encourage a broad range of skills and experiences; to make them confident young people ready for school life in the TGS family.


Here is an example of a typical day: 


7.45am till 8.45am Early drop-off (inclusive with all half or full sessions)

8.45am Morning learning begins with Phonics / Literacy and Numeracy

10.00am Snack and Break

10.30am Child-initiated topic time 

11.30am Discovery time in the Outdoor Classroom

12.00pm Lunchtime (inclusive with all full sessions)

12.30pm Half-session day ends

1.00pm Afternoon activity 1: Music and Drama

2.00pm Afternoon activity 2: PE and Yoga

3.00pm STEAM project time 

3.45pm Full session ends

3.45pm till 5.30pm Aftercare and clubs (inclusive with all full sessions)


Examples of clubs include: Garden Club, Chess Champions, Little Discoverers, Whack Attack (drums), and many more.