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Today our year elevens have experienced sixth form life.The day has included sessions on careers, universities, the EPQ and student life. In the afternoon, 5 EPQ students presented their work-to-date as preparation for their official submissions within the next fortnight. Topics included - the use of statistics in perception of football, the Mc'Naughten case and its influence on the role of insanity in the justice system, psychopathic traits in Nader-10s, synesthesia - a blessing or curse, and utilitarian and retributivist approaches to capital punishment. Year elevens had to think of, and pose, questions to ask the year thirteen presenters to help build their understanding and learn more about the process. Students closed the day with planning how they would spend the £500 Peter Large Travel Scholarship on offer in the 6th Form - a fantastic opportunity for travel and community contribution!
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Our Year 5’s have had a wonderfully immersive day at Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse. They spent their day with costumed characters who put them to work in the fields and taught them all about how the land was worked using man and horse power. They then visited the Victorian laundry room where they used the copper, a dolly, a washboard and a posser to help clean the clothes. In the workhouse they met a poor gentleman that told them about the regimented life they endured within. To end the day the class received a Victorian school lesson in arithmetic, geographical knowledge of the British Empire, reciting facts by rote and of course experienced the punishments for those that didn't adhere to the strict classroom rules! It was a fantastic day and the Year 5 class were superb representatives of the school throughout the day. “I enjoyed visiting the Victorian classroom because we learnt about the punishments.” - Joseph “I liked working the fields and helping the farmer to remove stones from the ground.” - Ben “I liked the Victorian school because I think we should be taught like that! I also enjoyed looking around the Victorian farm house.” - Eryn “I loved seeing all of the animals on the farm.” - Etta #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Thetford Grammar School offers its sincerest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. Her tireless service to, and great care for, her people is an inspiration to us all. Her Majesty was the true embodiment of the values of respect, responsibility and resilience that our community aspires to. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family, who has lost a beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother.
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Welcome back one and all, from EYFS to Sixth Form. In a break from their studies, some of our fresh-faced Year Twelve students have already begun planning how they will help lead the TGS community into another wonderful school year #boardingschool #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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We are delighted to invite you to our Whole School Open Day on Saturday 1st October 2022 from 10:00am until 1:00pm. All departments will be open and running linked interactive activities on the theme 'What does it mean to be human'. A great morning of exploring the topic, meeting our staff, and finding out more about your child's educational journey at TGS. Email admissions@thetgram.norfolk.sch.uk or go to our TGS Future Events page to book your place.
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Every Tuesday, Mrs Settle visits the Reception class to read stories to the pupils. Over the last two weeks, the children have been busy doing something a little bit different with the help of Mrs Settle. By recycling old books and learning the art of paper folding they have made their very own hedgehog books. Don't they look brilliant! #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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On Monday, TGS welcomed back Andrew Nattrass, supported by Frank Johnstone, to deliver a driver safety awareness session to current Year 12s. The session covered wide-ranging aspects of road safety including the ‘Fatal 4’ - seat belts, drink/drug-driving, inappropriate speed and use of a mobile device. The session also included an update on the laws around the use of e-scooters. While at times hard-hitting, the content of the session was powerful and gave food for thought for our newly qualified, newly learning, and 'those just thinking about it' drivers. Better to be safe, not sorry - a vital session for all our young (and old!) drivers alike. #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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Some of our Prep children have taken it upon themselves to care for our local environment by organising and running a weekly litter picking club. They group together, decide upon an area to tidy and get to work. Their responsible actions show pride in keeping their school a safe and tidy place for all. #TGSTogether #TGSPathways #JourneyOfDiscovery #ThetfordGrammarSchool #Norfolk #Suffolk #IndependentSchool #BoardingSchool
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