Our Community
The Art department got off to a great start for the new academic year, with GCSE and A-Level students embarking on a trip to London. Students viewed the ‘Fashion Now’ exhibition at the SAATCHI Gallery, which displayed a wide range of fashion photography, and then went on to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum to view the array of exhibits on display from various times and cultures.
We are very proud to announce our new Prep House Captains and Vice-Captains for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
📘Coles - Captain: Aiden and Vice-Captain: Josh
📒Cronsheys - Captain: James and Vice-Captain: Dora
📗Millingtons - Captain: Thea and Vice-Captain: Seb
📕Reeds - Captain: Jasmine and Vice-Captain: Lizzie
Mrs Butler-Hand and the Prep School team are very much looking forward to working with our new House Captains and their Vices. Their responsibilities will include counting weekly House Point tickets, representing the school at a number of events and leading their respective houses at each of our House Events. We wish them the best of luck in their new roles.
Last year several students were involved in a project working with Thetford Town Council Heritage and Education Officers as part of the Guildhall Heritage Project on a Mosaic Project where they became Heritage Heroes.
Students designed and painted mosaics drawn by local artist Mark Harper that depict figures from Thetford's History and TGS were given Thomas Paine.
This week students from local primary schools were invited to attend the grand unveiling of the mosaics which will be on permanent display at the Guildhall. As you can see from the pictures the results are fantastic. A huge congratulations to everyone involved!
Artist of the Month May- Year 6 Olivia
The Artist of the Month for May is Olivia with her Dig for Victory poster for the topic on WWII. Olivia has layered and blended a range of colour pencils, to achieve her rich drawing of fruit and vegetables. Great work Olivia!
Year 12 Textiles students have been busily constructing fabric accessories and body adornments in their mock exam yesterday. We can't wait to see the final pieces!
Today marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. As part of the school's commemorations, our Year 6 pupils took a moment to reflect on those soldiers from the Thetford Roll of Honour that died in World War II. They visited a local exhibition, that featured their poetry and handmade remembrance crosses. It was a moving experience to see the collaboration of work from a number of schools within the community which we were very proud to be a part of.
🌳 EYFS had a great day out at High Lodge this week. Reception have been learning all about 'Woodland Wonders' and had fun hunting for clues to let them know what animals had been in the forest. Nursery were busy looking for different animals that might live in the forest habitat. Everyone had a great time at the various play parks and we even found the Gruffalo! 🌳
📚 Year 7 have been working hard on their two-week story writing project for young children. They looked at the 'ingredients' for a picture book and alongside this, interviewed our EYFS pupils regarding their favourite books and reading preferences. Using pupil responses, the Year 7 classes created personalised stories featuring rhyme, repetition and morals. They realised they needed to think very carefully regarding their story structure and word choices. The books were completed to coincide with our various World Book Day events and the resulting story session was a wonderful celebration demonstrating how we promote reading for pleasure at TGS. 📚
🌳 Last week, EYFS listened to the story ‘Stick Man’ before heading off to Forest School to find 5 different sized sticks to represent Stick Man and his family. They helped each other to compare different sizes of sticks before putting them into size order. Lots of exploration and fun was had along the way! 🌳