Our Community
At the start of the term Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Norwich Castle museum for a Roman themed day. The children studied artefacts, made Roman torcs and reenacted a battle between the Romans and the Iceni tribe!
📚 What an amazing morning we've had today welcoming prospective pupils to TGS to take their entrance assessments papers 📚
There's still time to apply for a place for September 2025! Contact Admissions on admissions@thetgram.norfolk.sch.uk
⚽️ Yesterday the U13 football team drew 3-3 against South Lee Prep School. Joseph, Henry and Ben all scored goals for TGS. Callum and Grayson defended particularly well. Henry was Captain and Joseph was Player of the Match. Well done to the U13's! ⚽️
🌟 Year 1 Superheroes are ready to help!🌟
Pupils in Year 1 have embarked upon their new topic - Superheroes.
They have already established what they believe a superhero should be and they shall spend the rest of our half term investigating further.
🎄On behalf of everyone at Thetford Grammar School we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing what next year brings! 🎄
☃️ Our Reception class have been busy right up until the last day of term! They thought long and hard about how their snowman had melted and this is what they came up with. Some lovely, creative ideas! ☃️
TGS is proud once again to associate its charitable efforts with the BEFA. (Buckingham Emergency Food Appeal - feeding those in need since 1985).
BEFA is an East Anglia based charity with its roots in the farming community, and in the autumn it asks schools to collect a variety of items, which it then supplies to local charities caring for homeless and vulnerable people.
The response we had to this years appeal was fantastic, and we would like to sincerely thank parents, pupils and staff for the amount and range of goods that we were able to provide the charity. John Shortt, our BEFA contact was overwhelmed with the response from all involved with the collection.
#TGSTogether #LocalCharities #RaisingAwareness #EmergencyFoodAppeal #Norfolk #Suffolk
Thank you to The Friends of TGS for organising the most fantastic Winter Fayre! We think everyone will agree it was a wonderful event! Here’s just a snippet of what went on!
This week, EYFS had their long awaited visit to the Fire Station. The children were shown all around the different parts of the fire engines, and got to see inside, too! We also saw lots of equipment used by the firefighters and even got to try on the helmet. We had a brilliant time and the children were so well behaved!